look at me now.

Friday 7 June 2013

a bit of hope.

It's when things stop making sense once again but in a beautiful kind of way, a way you thought you'd never experience ever again.

He doesn't even know you and you don't know him. You two have never met or even know of each other's existence till one day. It could be said as an accident or maybe something that strikes out of boredom and that would be the first time you said hi. It stopped just like that and after awhile you received an unexpected message from him saying he wants you to come over to a certain event of his school and without hesitations you agreed to it. Then comes a feeling in you that says this was meant to happen but nothing more.

So the day arrived and you guys met.
You two have that nervous smile on with a tad of obvious shyness in the tone of your voice. He showed you the way in and helped you to your seat. You look around the hall full of pretty girls and smart looking guys and think to yourself why are you even here in the first place; you never liked people anyway but then you turn to your right and he was there smiling and you thought "Yeah, this is why". So there you are sitting awkwardly and starving with him asking if you were okay a few times and you worry if this wasn't what he expected it to be, I mean, with you. Why do you even care? You don't know too, you just do or maybe you're just paranoid. Trying to create conversations even if it does kill you slowly inside with fear you might end up asking the wrong question and embarrass yourself. After a few questions comes an answer that got you taken aback when he says he came all the way from the front of the hall to where you were sitting which was way at the back and a sudden rush of guilt and oh how do you explain that feeling again, loved maybe (?) overwhelmed you. You've always wondered how it feels to be stared at in a way where the person whom is staring seems so fascinated with you when you're busy focusing on something else and well, that's what he did. You try to not stare, only getting a few glances of him whom at the moment was sitting just beside you, careful not to let him notice you.

A few more minutes and it'll be over. Now what? He looks at you to ask if you were heading anywhere after and all that came up out of you was "I'm hungry". It was stupid really, it didn't help at all but he wasn't. He offered to accompany you eat, as in we'll - find - some - place - to - eat - you - in? How could you say no, it's your stomach you're talking about so you agreed with the idea of that. He walks you there, not too far yet not as near as you thought it would be at. It was the way he smiled and helped you cross the road that amazed you. And that urge to hold his hand but of course you didn't. How he opened the door for you and walk right beside you like a guardian angel, you were just awestruck. It gets you thinking hey, this guy is really something but it hit you again how you were nothing. So you tried this thing called "talking" which you quite obviously suck at and with all the words jumbled up, he just patiently listened and answered in the most politest way he could. It didn't matter as long as he doesn't find you a regret or a waste of time.

So you reached your destination, struggling to take your money out to pay for your food from that tiny pocket your shirt has when suddenly you saw, from the corner of your eye, someone handing money to the cashier and as you quickly turned to your side, you had to catch your breath for a few seconds knowing it was him who paid. You just, it just, you can't. It boggles your mind how and why he would do such a thing. It just feels weird to you, being treated so nicely by a guy. A guy you've never met or known for long.
But all you could do was thanked him.

In the car on the way home, you replayed every moment in your head. What just happened? What happened was, he fell for you the minute he laid his eyes on you. He can't explain it and you might not believe it but it's just one of those things that just happens. So be it.


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