look at me now.

Friday 30 December 2011

was it just another show?

I guess somethings are better of unsaid, they say ignorance is bliss.

So I got to know a side of him that I never knew even exist, or did I? Maybe I did knew that side of him, I mean I knew what I was getting into long time ago. Guess I just never actually cared  that much about that other side of him, maybe I was just too blind by love that time. I knew it was gonna hit me sooner or later but why am I so surprised when it did? I guess i just got too caught up with my happily-ever-after-daydreams that I lost touch with reality. Maybe he did all this to make me feel better or maybe I changed him into someone better? Who knows.....just maybe.

Somehow I can't stop thinking positively when it comes to him. Deep inside, I believe that he wanted me to know that he could be a good guy, for me. That all guys are not the same. Maybe thats why we last long. Well not that long lah, but long enough. Maybe I was special, maybe the side he showed me was a side that not even his friends know about. Maybe just maybe, I'm different from all the girls he knows, in a good way I mean.

But what if... everything's not as it seems? What if he is just like all those other guys I've been with before? What if all this was just another show, an act, a big lie. So here I am as the main character in a not-so-magical- fairytale where happy endings doesn't exist and where the princess gets dump by the so-called prince every time. I guess it's just another unanswered question. I could ask him but.....naah I'm scared I'll hear what I don't want to. Even worst, if I can't handle the truth and suddenly a mental breakdown occur to me.

Well, things happen for a reason.

yours truly, riri

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