look at me now.

Saturday 31 December 2011

the bright side.

I know that 2011 haven't been such a blast for me and all. It's full of shit to be precise but to be honest, I gotta hand it to ya, 2011 had thought me a lot. Yeah I know there's more to this but this is the starting. I've never felt more devastated in my entire 13-year-old life ever than the devastation that I have felt on this very 2011. Things have change so much in so little time, it's like I can't even cope with myself. People come and go like it's nobody's business. I've cried a lot this year and to be honest, I never thought someone could even cry this much but I've grown, I'm not the sweet lil girl people used to know. Lets look on the bright side now, I'm closer with my siblings, I understand more about life and how I should learn to compromise, I know how to keep myself calm and control myself from getting mad and start to curse so much, I've learn to stop judging people..well I have my limits, I learned to be more grateful with what I have, to appreciate my loved ones, and so much more. The main thing is, 2011 turned out to be the year I learned things the hard way and just like everything else that has to be learned the hard way, it'll always stick to your head.

yours truly,riri

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