look at me now.

Monday, 2 September 2013

they'll be coming back for you,

The way they did for me.

A day, a day where you expect nothing as it is what isn't expected, is the day people from your past or at least, the people whom you used to know, out of the blue, comes casually walking back into your life as if they never had left. As if you've never did hurt them as much to make them leave.

One : Since 2011, I come and I go, he stayed and got left. A friend i would say, the kind I no longer talk to as often. Barely, to be honest. Alone and rejected but what could I possibly do? Pretty flustering to know that the only way to help is to become what you can never be. I tried being friendly; not wanting to hurt anyone but what's bound to happen will eventually do. At the end it's back to me disappearing, leaving him wondering if I would ever come around again. Oblivious to the acknowledgement that I have always been here.

Two : Awhile since we last talked. Maybe it's that I don't care anymore or I just don't find all the effort worth the prize. Joke is : there is none. Kind as always, greeted in a way I could never turn down. But, happier now. I as he would say have gotten a bit more arrogant. I'm not. I just realised I have nothing left to say or ideas of what to be talked about when I no longer know what has been going on when we've drifted apart for so long. Even though things have completely gone the other way around, nothing really did changed. So my wishes, the best, I pray he would receive.

Three : Even more unexpected, the one who tried murdering the girl who never was alive. Surprise but not exactly. I knew he would come by once in awhile. He comes and goes, that I have gotten used to. He can't see it the way I do, it doesn't matter though. I am not the one to ruin a relationship although mine was ruined because of it. So I told him things he might not/should know. Take care of that girl, she loves you, I said. Doubtfully he questioned me. I get it now. He has never been secure, always has been confuse and scared so he goes around collecting spare parts for the future "just in case". None of my business now. Helping the one who should have helped me somehow feels better than it is to some.

Four : Once close enough to get disappointed at the end. He would say hi all the time not wanting us to end but I never did the same. Tired of friendships or anything more I just let it go with the flow. A bad idea I would admit. Just like that we stopped talking. However, some bond you cannot break. Especially with the people you can casually talk to or be silly with. Getting back, reminiscing the time where we used to talk on the phone and how hyper I'd get and how goofy he was. Life has gotten better for him, I heard. Hopefully, it stays better.


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