look at me now.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

you'll never drown.

I'd wake up at 4am to pick up your calls or not sleep at all if you needed me and make you feel safe. I would reassure you of where you stand in my life, who you are to me and what you're worth. That it's okay to cry, it's okay to die a little inside. I would pick you up and shine some light despite having my own demons to deal with. I would meet you, find time and a way to get there, to see you, to be with you if you wanted me to. Accompany you wherever you need to go. You're invited to a social/family event you don't want to be at? I'd be there so you don't have to be the only one. No one really does that anymore but I would. If I care I genuinely do, I would do whatever it takes to make you feel okay.

You're going to believe I'm going to get tired of it at one point, you're going to assume I'll be walking out the door after a few months- it's because you're done with yourself too isn't it? Though you'll have me and I got you. Talk about all your dreams and fears, the frustrations whatever you've been keeping to yourself, I'd listen. I know how it's like. I know how it feels like and despite what I've to go through I wouldn't mind doing it all for you. Once I'm with you, I'm with you.


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