look at me now.

Monday, 5 May 2014

when it's all about the money.

"I have given you everything"
Is it not yet enough?

Because everyone has given me everything that I came to be such a selfish ignorant brat, is that it? To them, yes. I wonder why it is said the way it is. Giving you everything, every-thing, everyTHING, every-THING, THING THING THING, exactly! It's the things, the money, that in the end we are taught to appreciate. So somehow every kid who has got it all will never know what s/he has until it's gone; that they are spoiled, they know of nothing but to be given what is asked for. However it's not all of that kind that has never felt a lost. To lose something you can't replace, worth more than money could buy or ever purchase. What when lost, starts to change things along with you. Sometimes worsen though if you're lucky maybe not.

I've felt that. Money can't buy back a life.

If anything included the care and love and all things great why am I what I am today? You become confuse of who you are when deep inside you know you. You're just unsure of who you want to come out as. If it's true that everything was given why do you feel so alone? Days you have lived as someone else or two at once. The things you have kept to yourself despite knowing that in an average normal family it is those things you should be able to share and talk about. Often a chameleon, blending in depending on the situation. Your silence becomes the death of you. Everything, you learn to remember as just another synonym to nothing.

People these days work so hard for the things that won't even matter in the end. 
When really all they've ever needed was for someone to be there.


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