I would say things have been bad but what totally overpowers that thought would be what's been getting better. Who had been making it better to be frank. I know I've been saying this a lot one moment and denying it the next but whatever happens I've been really glad it was with or would be with him. No regret for the brilliant sweetheart he is.
These butterflies and cliche words that describes him in my head and those thoughts and daydreams I've been having. Not to mention the often surprise visit in my dreams at night. I'm stuck here thinking god how did I get so lucky and I knew this was just our time. This is our moment. No overthinking this time. We don't want to ruin it. I don't want it to be left dead. I want this so much more than recovery.
What is a part of me now is the hardest to get rid off but he makes it okay for it to stick around. It's not about throwing it away but living with it without letting it have full control over you. And having someone who doesn't mind to live it with you. More than anything I just want this to lasts. While it's still happening, I'm just going to live the moment. So much love and giddiness bursting from within and feelings I'm getting back. However dreadful it sounds this is worth it no matter what I say after, I know this is worth it.

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