Dear readers, hello to the non-Muslims and Assalamualaikum to the Muslims.
Let me introduce you to Afiqah Hana . Okay whaaaat? Why so proper? haha
I met this beautiful awesome 13-year-old-girl on twitter.
Our friendship was honestly unexpected. Just like every other relationship, everything started with just a "hello". I'd never expected that we would get so attached with each other. Never saw it coming but it did. I don't know why but somehow I got a feeling that we were meant to be friends. I remembered the first time she asks what was up with me because my tweets that time was so emo-like. The weirdest thing was, I told her everything, EVERYTHING. It was quite amazing how comfortable I was with her. I'm not the kind of girl who tells my problems in detail to someone who I recently know. I'm the kind who likes to keep it to myself, that only my CLOSEST friends I would tell it to but she was different to me, she's like the twitter friend I've never had. Okay I didn't mean it that way. What I meant was, I've never met someone my age, that's a girl, on any social websites that could understand me like we've been friends since well, forever. I'm really touched by the way she cares so much about me :')
I swear, the guy who gets her is gonna be really lucky. She's the sweetest girl ever. Mygeek, only Allah knows how much I appreciate her, how much she means to me. yeah I know we recently got to know each other but I really love her <3 she's the greatest most amazing friend any girl could ever have. It would be a big lost to those who left her and to those who hurt her feelings should really be kick in the ass. She's awesome and beautiful the way she is, don't you ever dare to try and bring her down. She is REAL. Someone as kind and caring as her doesn't deserve to be treated like shit. She's helped me a lot and it kinda makes me feel guilty to know it myself that I haven't help her that much but still iloveyouforevernomatterwhatcupcake :* :*
yours truly, riri
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