look at me now.

Sunday, 21 December 2014

better for you.

1) And only one: stay.
I can't afford to lose you too.

One day I will be able to love you better than I have ever did. I would be able to take every inch of sorrow away, keep you company before you ever even get the chance to feel lonely.

Stay for every time it gets hard for you or I. Remind you for every time you fail to remember how much you mean to me and how much love I feel for you; how many things I can never feel for anyone but you. For each time I cry writing, saying, or typing things from the bottom of my heart, where I am the most honest, you are one of the many things I mention. And I've said to those before you of how they mean the world to me but none felt so real as when it is said to you. I can never put it exactly into words anymore ending up with so many to say but nothing said right. I want so much for you and so many I'd do.

One day I'd be the best you ever had. No, I want to be the only one you would ever have. Even if I was never the first or the second or third, I'd be the only one. The way you are to me. You've always been.


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