look at me now.

Monday 27 February 2012


I like being alone. Feeling lonely? NO.

I don't know when but i'm guessing December 2011. I don't talk much really. I mean I used to, till I got to know that no one actually cares about what I have to say. Bestfriends excluded. Sometimes I wish there was someone that I could share my stupid stories to. Not the ones who just sits there and listen but the ones that also gives some response. I mean who would like talking to the wall right? I realised people have their own life and problems so I don't expect that anyone would be there for me like 24/7. Day by day I just care less and less about, well almost everyone and everything. I feel like I no longer live in this world. Alone and feeling comfortable with it.

I should be having fun and all but I'm just being my old-boring-self again. Anti-social that's what I am, at least that's what I've been told. I start to hate talking, I find it a waste of time. I mean why should I when no one cares? It's like trying to scream when you know you're voiceless.

yours truly, riri.

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