look at me now.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

one two. none thank you.

I avoid meeting anyone, whether I know, knew, was close to or the ever most popular but tragic could one day be attached to. The kind of attachment I no longer crave to have with anyone, old or new, but few. Such a small number, maybe one or two. I am awfully embarrassed to admit, when it comes to certain people it would leave me rather forlorn to pass them once more knowing we are no longer what we were or to walk by without a word at all, not even a glare. 

Maybe it's to think "oh" and only oh, to someone I no longer bother about but once did. Nothing much ravaging at all really, quite the opposite- more of a dream. A resplendent kind I may say so myself. It's when I am to put myself at where I was or in their shoes, is when it gets a bit messy. To feel what I could've or should've but don't. I'd rather not. I could care less for what is no longer any of my concern.


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