look at me now.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

self-centered? stop.

You know what? You guys should be more grateful. Your parents give you everything you want and need without even complaining about it. They don't even bring up the matter to you if their money isn't enough. Your parents want the best for you and all they ask in repay is for you to succeed in life and make them proud. Is that so hard? They have work their ass off just to give you all that you need to still be alive now. I just don't get how most of you who have supportive parents, who are always there for you and listen to your every problems just like a mum/dad would do yet you guys still say things like they're annoying and you hate them just because they don't buy you one specific thing that you want like an Iphone for example. You guys are ungrateful sheeesh. Do you know how I would kill just to get parents as kind and supportive like that? but I can't. I got my own parents and no matter how much I wish they weren't my parents and how much things would get better, they would forever be my parents and without them, I wouldn't have the chance to experience life now. I might not get the attention I need but that's okay cause I'm just grateful I have a room and enough food to eat unlike some unfortunate people. I just wanna love what I have and just remember that some people don't have what I have so I should just be grateful and please you guys should too. I see now even 6 year old have all the things I've never had but that's okay. I'm okay with that. I'll work for what I want now.

yours truly, riri.

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