- You don't text me for a day : I get worried
- I see you wtw-ing with some girls : I get jealous
- When you say "I love you" : You make me go cloud9
- I don't reply your text because I fell asleep : I feel guilty in the morning
- Whenever I hear your name : I'll probably smile like some crazy hobo who gets free food
- When you say sorry : I feel that it's just adorable
- I forget your birthday : Somehow I can't stop regretting about it
- I hear your voice : I melt like ice cream in summer time
- You praise me : I get flattered and start blushing
- I had have dreams about you : I think I'm crazy but it was all awesome and sweet
- You ask me how I was when I was devastated : I smiled to my ears because you cared
- You talk to your friends about me : I go "awwwww <3"
there's more I guess, the past and coming soon,
this actually mean only one thing,
iloveyou ;)
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