look at me now.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

have a little faith.

The relationship I have with my hair is no different than what I have with people. No matter how hard I take care of it, with what I've become and the person I am today, in some ways have made it rather futile. I lose so much each day, sometimes more than I could possibly lose myself. I would think, at least I have myself, but I don't.

I believe that no matter how bad or rotten you think you are, He would always be there without you realising despite the amount of times you've forgotten about Him or left Him behind. When all is fine and dandy, He is to thank for, other than the people He lets me have for awhile in life. Of all the things I let go of, the one thing I can never afford to lose is my faith.

I'm not much to fight for and I am not the best person to hang around or have at the moment but although I don't deserve it I hope everyone I've burdened or hurt would forgive me if I've wronged. I'll never know when it'll be the last time or when I'll get another chance. Forgive me for the days I can no longer go on.


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