look at me now.

Friday 20 May 2016

so suck it.

I think I mentioned losing more this year and I have. I don't really have the time to run, chase, talk, or bother, over something so trivial, so egoistic, so petty and full of irrational emotions. I think I've enough of that. If people can't seem to see it now just because it's no longer there, then I guess they've never even noticed before. If you couldn't tell at all, why should I be the one to fix what you lead us to becoming? If I were important, I wouldn't still have to be the one trying or ironically be the one that doesn't, just to find out if there was ever a meaning at all-

Truthfully there isn't much.
I could still be waiting and still,
no one ever comes around knocking.

Know that I don't.
That these days I move along.


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