look at me now.

Thursday 15 March 2012

the reason i left: guilt.

The first time was because I wanted to, second time I just had to.

Sometimes, people leave you for a reason. A reason you can't explain or can't understand. Sometimes they want to, sometimes they have to. Sometimes they'll tell you why and sometimes they just can't. I know your life is all messed up and I wish I was the one who's always going be there for you but I can't manage to do so. I am ashamed to go to you and say hi like nothing has happened when I know that deep inside I've hurt you and abandon you. I left when you needed me the most and after all that you've said to me, I can't, I just can't go to you and act like nothing happened. I don't have the guts to. I wish you knew. did you really think I would ignore you for the fun of it? No, I would never. It's like, you're better off when I'm not around. I know it's the best thing to do but me keeping on hurting you won't help too.

yours truly, riri.

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