look at me now.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

more than not, he does.

You thought he knew,
that he would love you,
and still loves you,
as much as you know,
he only thinks he does,
but he does.

You would not have known,
if it were to slap you across your face,
of how he grows to as days go by,
despite every reason not to,
just as much as you do,
because you do,
whether or not he does.

Little boy, my baby boy,
a day or two of life alone,
would not have been the same at all,
if it were to be without you.

What if you fall in love with something so deeply, so intensely, it killed. Knowing you died for something you loved, even when it wasn't right- you believe it's better than to live, without real purpose. Haplessly there are times when you would love someone so much, you're to let them go. They might love you so much, they don't anymore. Some things you can never change or decide on, even if you had the choice to. What is, will be.

It's all in your head.


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