look at me now.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

her poems.

" Stammering trying
to come up with
a witty sentence
Face scrunching
attempting to humor
Black eyes glittering
Like the diamond in mines
by lashes thick
enough to fan an emperor
Lost though
Misplaced still
She tries to make the best
of what is given
for the sake
of her survival
Vintage all the way through
My best friend Riri "

" Riri you are not skinny
But you are pretty
My beautiful Riri
Please listen to me
Love yourself, dearie
Because we all do!
You are my little flower
Because of you Camel showers
A day's not enough, let alone an hour
I want to be with you forever
Laughing with tears, together
Screw chocolate, because you are better
Who needs the world that we don't care
It's only fun if you are there

Oh my Riri,
Can't you see?
That you are
My Destiny."

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