look at me now.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

little did they know.

9 August : Your brown hair flowing gracefully from side to side, blown by the wind as you stood there waving at me and all I could do was smile back politely.

All they see is what they think they know, what they choose to believe. I, I see a different person; the side of him that most people don't and probably won't even care to fathom. They see a troublemaker. An ungrateful yet disrespectful child. Ignorant to the sweet little kind guy he actually is deep down inside. Little did they know.

Under all that he is seen as, lies a lost soul in need of care and attention. There, waiting for someone who actually cares and would love him enough. He might be rotten but it's never too late to change; never too late to be the right thing. NEVER TOO LATE TO BE YOURSELF. He'd die and come back to life if he wanted. He could change. I know he wants to -if it wasn't for the people who keeps pulling him back down with his past used against him as their weapons.

He almost got there, he was working on it, swear. Unfortunately it's hard, hard to be what you're meant to be when people keep taking you back to the day you were what you never asked to be.

Funny how not just strangers, but also those whom you thought would actually be there for you, support you, to have your back, the ones you trust and shit- are usually the main reason why you look down on yourself. Ends up they're the ones against you and no matter how strong you are, they're kryptonite to you. Them meaning so much to you is one of the reasons the things they say cut deep through your heart.

Even so, he smiles and laugh as if nothing's wrong. He tries his best to be happy. It's called putting shit aside and staying strong. He buries them deep but I see the anger, the sadness, the dried tears.

I believe one day, everyone out there, they'll be knocked off their feet by shock. Shock of how he'll manage to turn the fate they say that were destine to be for him the other way around.

yours truly, riri.

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